your thing
is our thing.

Suzy Le Clair Marketing Group


Suzy Le Clair is a marketing, brand, and communications ringleader who’s been doing it all since shoulder pads were a thing. While technically the Le Clair Marketing Group is more of a one-woman show, this one woman – Suzy Le Clair – has the experience, connections, and big-picture brains to build and lead a handpicked team that can make your company or personal brand sing.

With over 25 years of experience leading high-profile marketing departments, guiding business and strategy development, and executive producing, Suzy lives for the magic of making brands positively unforgettable.

We Work Together
To Set You Apart.

This is not a lean team, turn-and-burn, self-oriented agency situation. Whether you’re a company looking to achieve specific metrics or a budding entrepreneur transitioning from talking to screens to (gasp) actual humans, carving a personalized pathway to set you apart and see things through is Suzy’s specialty. 

You can expect Suzy to take the reins, determine how to best be of service, curate the A-team to tackle your specific set of challenges, and make the greatest impact.

Brand. Audience. Revenue.
Yes Please.

Brand - Audience - Revenue.  These are our pillars, our North stars, our keys to success.  If any one of them is out of alignment we work to get them back into place because one can’t run without the others.


Assessment &  Strategy, Ideation, Logo & Design, Personal Branding


Creative Writing, Public Speaking Coaching, Speech Development, Resume & Job Prep


Brainstorm Facilitation, Strategy, Strategic Partnerships, Cause Marketing


Project Management, Executive Producer, Talent Matchmaker, Execution (in a good way)

Now + Then

He Said She Said.

  • Suzy is a brand within herself! Having a seasoned insight and keen eye for detail, matched with a witty energetic personality make her a rare gem. She’s approachable, a born leader, a fabulous mentor and always knows how to bring the right things (and people) to the table.

    Suzi Carpenter | Carpenter Event Management

  • Suzy’s instincts are spot on. She has an uncanny talent for seeing possibilities that others miss. She never loses sight of the big picture while ensuring all the short-term actions are delivered.

    Elizabeth Ruske | Founder - CEO | Tiara

  • Le Clair identifies a big picture vision and seamlessly connects the dots to bring together a powerful, meaningful and actionable message.

    Liz Hafer  |  President  |  Corporate Teams

  • Suzy's gift is her ability to help speakers fully access their essential story. Her art is coaching them to share it compellingly with an audience. Her superpower is empathy—the human connection that breathes life into a presentation.

    Mark Schmeltzer | Director-Communications | Mercy Home for Boys and Girls

  • Suzy is the ultimate “Team” leader. Her instincts and enthusiasm make everyone around her better at what they do.

    Duff Rice  |  Duff Entertainment

  • Suzy brings enthusiasm, versatility, clear communication, wit and strategic focus to any team she joins.

    Tricia Hyland  |  Senior Development Specialist  |  CMAP

  • Suzy brings a unique level of experience, insight and creativity to every project she engages with. And you’ll have a BLAST working with her!

    Michael Coakes | Coakes Photography

  • Suz - you’re a good worker.

    Noreen Le Clair | Suzy’s Mom

Let’s Connect &
Find Your Thing!

Book a free 30-minute
consultation with Suzy.